


Sunrise Bay Area Voter Guide

While in a panic about the impending 2020 election, I volunteered to design the printed voter guide for Sunrise Bay Area, my local chapter of the Sunrise Movement. The guide was printed and distributed to voters and local businesses in the weeks leading up to the election. Inspired by vintage leaflets, lo-fi zines, and other political literature, I expanded on Sunrise’s existing branding with bold and experimental typography. We printed the zine on bright yellow paper – one of Sunrise’s core brand colors – for maximum visual impact.

Moodboard exploration

Moodboard exploration


March for Our Lives: Action Against Gun Violence

Like many others, my world stopped on the day of the mass shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. In a flurry of anger and frustration, I quickly created a piece to share on social media alongside a small fundraiser for the victims.

After receiving an overwhelming response from my own social circle, I submitted the piece to the AdAge Action Against Gun Violence Initiative. A few weeks later, AdAge presented the graphic as a digital billboard across the United States, with a hero placement in Times Square on the day of the March for Our Lives. Since then, the design has been used by local chapters of the March for Our Lives organization to promote events and lobby congress for gun reform.

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36 Days of Type

Every year, designers and hand letterers around the world participate in the 36 Days of Type Challenge, in which you create and share a letter of the alphabet each day for 36 days.

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